Monday, December 3, 2007

Power for Religion, and Religion for Power!

I beleive that religious leaders influenced ways of society far more than political leaders, or rulers. In japan it was evident that the monks told the Emperor to transition and write Buddhist factors into their constitution. Also, the ruler of Japan, at the time Buddhism was just arriving, recieved gifts and was impressed by China's economic prosperity felt that to better serve his country they shoudl transiotion themslevesi nto a more accpeting religion. it is funny, although Japan was influenced by China, religiously, Japan really looked at China for guidance and for a structure for their own, previously corrupted culture. I really think iti s a colaboration of religion and politics to gain legitemacy, it clearly vairies for each culture, and it is evident that religion is a tool of the party. The ruelr can use religion, or the religion can use the ruler.


Tyler S., The Ultimate said...


Mr. Shrinsky said...

Yes - we'll get into that later on in the year with the Tang Dynasty and on Japan's Prince Shotoku's efforts to blend Confucianism and Buddhism into Japan's government.

But is theocracy the way to go? Even in this day and age? Look at the recent aid worker in an islamic African country whose class named a teddy bear Mohammad . Some in that country called for her death! Do we have to respect the religious beliefs or do human rights come first?

Tyler S., The Ultimate said...

Well human rights always come first, I am not one who follows a religion, and I don't feel it shoudl be hindering anyone's rights. Theocracy is not only inconvienent, but also irrational. Japan, and other countires not nearly as profound in development as Britain now, were able to use religion for power. We didn't see challege in the state until people became unahppy, and this challenge by the people was done unto their goverments. Theocracy leaves people in a level of ignorance, which doesn't allow society to form. In all reality, religion can give guidence persoanlly, but when institionilized in a state, can mislead the people, and can hurt more than it helps. It is evident, now, that religion, that is so concentrated is confining our technological advancements, and even creates contreversy in abortion across our nation. In an ideal society no party shoudl use or be used by a religion. Only fascist countires use the religion, and only ignorant countires are used by the religion. Nazi germany used relgion, Iran now is used by relgion (The Supreme Ayotlla(?))

Tyler S., The Ultimate said...


Natalie B. said...

Haha Tyler.

Anonymous said...

Would you mind if I use the photo of the monk on my blog?

Please take a look at my message entitled "Immediate!".

You can email me from my porile page if you object.

Thank you very much.