Thursday, November 15, 2007

AP Reflection on Theme in Early Socieites

Well, on the Tuesday the 13th we did an analysis on the importance of the various themes in the recent socieities we have studied since neolithic times. My analysis was on the theme, Interactions of Cultures. The development and interaction of cultures really was a direct result of those cultures geography. Yes, geography IS desiteny, and this can be seen throughout the various Eurasian socieites. Egypt is a fine example. Its location being surrounded by trade routes, acting as a "fork in the road" connecting Europe and Asia was always involved in trade-possibly for wood. Egyptians eventally aquired slaves, yet in the slave's slavery, Egypt was still culturally accepting. On the contrary, China, which was surrounded by almost complete barriors was not culturally accepting, and these mountains acted as walls traping the ideas of the Chinese and alowing them to bounce back and fourth confining these ideas to China. Similar to China was those invaders of the Indus Valley. The Indus invaders didn't acept other socities so much that in their caste system, of the Hindu relgion, they labeled those they felt inferior as the "untouchables". It was evident that geography had a direct influence on the cultural interaction.